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说明:MT4-CTP接口,期货行情连接MT4,把CTP实时行情导入MT4,把CTP速度快的优点与MT4分析功能强大的优点结合起来。-The MT4-CTP interface, Futures Quotes connection MT4, real-time quotes of CTP import MT4, combining the advantages of the advantages of fast CTP, and MT4 ana
<wangyang> 在 2024-04-30 上传 | 大小:558080 | 下载:16


说明:这个文件包括数字通信当中BPSK和QPSK两种调制方式和他们的测试仿真,并测试其信噪比,经测试可用。-This file contains the digital communications among BPSK and QPSK modulation schemes and their testing simulation and test its signal to noise ratio, the test is availab
<刘志刚> 在 2024-04-30 上传 | 大小:3072 | 下载:28
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