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说明:颜色小猎人-易语言编程(中文编程) 对api函数的运用例子. 能随时随地获取鼠标所在区域的颜色.并以数值的形式呈现出来-colors hunter-easy programming language (English programming) on the use of api function examples. Can be obtained at any time Mouse region of the color. an
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说明:完全的易语言所写的源代码(中文编程) 只要会写中文就能编程 这个是虚拟硬盘的例子-entirely easy language source code written in the (Chinese Programming) as long as the Chinese will be able to write the program is a virtual hard disk examples
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说明:电脑分辨率设置的源代码. 也是完全的易语言编程的一个完美例子 -resolution setting up the computer source code. Totally easy programming language a perfect example
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说明:WIN32API功能150个-系统对话框篇 也是完全的易语言代码 具体请分析源代码-WIN32API functional 150-chapter dialog system is completely easy language code specifically requested analysis source code
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说明:工控软件的福音:欧姆龙PLC通讯系统(含源代码)易语言-IPC software Gospel : OMRON PLC communications systems (including source code) Yi language
<好贵> 在 2024-04-26 上传 | 大小:26624 | 下载:0


说明:用易语言编写的一个小数运算训练器,小巧实用。-easy to use language of a minority operator training devices, compact practical.
<shen> 在 2024-04-26 上传 | 大小:4096 | 下载:0


说明:softonline.dll中函数的使用,请见不同的例程,VB函数见VB例子,VC函数见VC例子,VFP函数见VFP的例子,BCB函数见BCB例子, Delphi函数见Delphi例子,PowerBuilder函数见PB例子,易语言函数见易语言例子,其中会有非常详细的介绍。-softonline.dll use, see different routines, VB function see examples VB, VC func
<sun> 在 2024-04-26 上传 | 大小:482304 | 下载:0


说明:一个易语言开发的彩虹岛直接启动器 它可以直接选区不用更新的启动彩虹岛-an easy language rainbow Island starter constituency it can not directly update the launch Rainbow Island
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说明:一个易语言写的MP3播放器`可以换界面的风格-an easy language to write the `MP3 player can change the style interface
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说明:易语言做的超酷放大镜`实用又美观-easy language to the rap magnifier `functional and aesthetically pleasing
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说明:易语言写的一个读取硬盘码的软件`主要用在注册软件上-easy language to write a disk read `software code used in the main registration software
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说明:这是易语言的系统清除垃圾源码,原理很简单,产生批处理来删除垃圾。-language that is easy to remove the garbage source system, the principle is very simple, to have a batch delete garbage.
<梁德法> 在 2024-04-26 上传 | 大小:58368 | 下载:0
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