The need to reprogramme a wireless sensor network may arise from
changing application requirements, bug fixes, or during the application
development cycle. Once deployed, it will be impractical at
best to reach each individual node. Thus, a scheme is required to
wirelessly reprogramme the nodes. We present an energy-efficient
code distribution scheme to wirelessly update the code running in
a sensor network. Energy is saved by distributing only the changes
to the currently running code. The new code image is built using
an edit scr ipt of commands that are easy to process by the nodes.
A small change to the programme code can cause many changes to
the binary code because the addresses of functions and data change.
A naive approach to building the edit scr ipt string would result in
a large scr ipt. We describe a number of optimisations and present
experimental results showing that these significantly reduce the edit
changing application requirements, bug fixes, or during the application
development cycle. Once deployed, it will be impractical at
best to reach each individual node. Thus, a scheme is required to
wirelessly reprogramme the nodes. We present an energy-efficient
code distribution scheme to wirelessly update the code running in
a sensor network. Energy is saved by distributing only the changes
to the currently running code. The new code image is built using
an edit scr ipt of commands that are easy to process by the nodes.
A small change to the programme code can cause many changes to
the binary code because the addresses of functions and data change.
A naive approach to building the edit scr ipt string would result in
a large scr ipt. We describe a number of optimisations and present
experimental results showing that these significantly reduce the edit