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小弟發現大部分的筆記型電腦將其螢幕蓋上的時候並沒有關閉螢幕電源,只是將其亮度調暗,您可以測試看看一般筆記型電腦螢幕下方有個小按鈕可以壓,壓下去的時候螢幕亮度將減低,但是仍然沒有關閉電源,如此長久下來將浪費大量的電費並造成螢幕的損壞,因此小弟想要利用作業系統提供的電源配置方式讓電腦自動斷電,但是這樣還是有些小問題因為必須設定一段時間沒有使用電腦才自動斷電,如果設定 10 分鐘斷電,那麼有 9 分多鐘的電費就浪費了,而且發現執行某些程式的時候系統無法偵測空閒狀態,造成無法自動斷電的後果,因此寫了這個小程式來強制讓螢幕關閉電源,希望對像我一樣使用筆記型電腦,苦於無法手動關閉螢幕電源的使用者有些幫助。-brother found that the majority of the notebook computer screen back to the screen and it has not closed power, but its brightness dimmed, you can look at the general test notebook computer screen beneath a small button pressure, pressure on the screen brightness will be reduced, but we have still not turn off the power, so long run will waste a lot of electricity and causing damage to the screen, younger brother wants to use the operating system to provide power configuration computer auto power, but this is still some minor problems because of the need to set a period of time without the use of computers will automatically cut off is set for 10 minutes, 1986 Well, nine minutes on the waste of electricity, but found that the implementation of certain programs when systems fail to detect i


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