文件名称:21 RTC时钟
RTC,英文全称:Real-time clock,中文名称:实时时钟,是指可以像时钟一様输出实际时间的电子设备,一般会是集成电路,因此也称为时钟芯片。实时时钟芯片是日常生活中应用最为广泛的消费类电子产品之一。它为人们提供精确的实时时间,或者为电子系统提供精确的时间基准,目前实时时钟芯片大多采用精度较高的晶体振荡器作为时钟源。(RTC, English full name: Real-time clock, Chinese Name: real time clock, refers to the electronic equipment can be a result of actual time clock output, usually is the integrated circuit, so it is also called the clock chip. The real-time clock chip is one of the most widely used consumer electronic products in daily life. It provides accurate real-time time, or provides accurate time reference for electronic system. At present, most of the real-time clock chips use higher precision crystal oscillator as the clock source.)
21 RTC时钟\C\lib\STM32F10xR.LIB
21 RTC时钟\C\main.c
21 RTC时钟\C\obj\RTC.hex
21 RTC时钟\C\obj\stm32f10x._ia
21 RTC时钟\C\RTC.Opt
21 RTC时钟\C\RTC.Uv2
21 RTC时钟\C\STM32F10x.s
21 RTC时钟\C\stm32f10x_conf.h
21 RTC时钟\C\stm32f10x_it.c
21 RTC时钟\C\stm32f10x_it.h
21 RTC时钟\Thumbs.db
21 RTC时钟\试验必读.doc
21 RTC时钟\连线图.png
21 RTC时钟\C\lib
21 RTC时钟\C\List
21 RTC时钟\C\obj
21 RTC时钟\C
21 RTC时钟
21 RTC时钟\C\main.c
21 RTC时钟\C\obj\RTC.hex
21 RTC时钟\C\obj\stm32f10x._ia
21 RTC时钟\C\RTC.Opt
21 RTC时钟\C\RTC.Uv2
21 RTC时钟\C\STM32F10x.s
21 RTC时钟\C\stm32f10x_conf.h
21 RTC时钟\C\stm32f10x_it.c
21 RTC时钟\C\stm32f10x_it.h
21 RTC时钟\Thumbs.db
21 RTC时钟\试验必读.doc
21 RTC时钟\连线图.png
21 RTC时钟\C\lib
21 RTC时钟\C\List
21 RTC时钟\C\obj
21 RTC时钟\C
21 RTC时钟