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说明:是小学期课程设计的题目,可直接计算得到多重分形谱,计算多重分形非趋势波动分析matlab程序。- Is the topic of the elementary school stage curriculum design, It can be directly calculated multi-fractal spectrum, Calculation multifractal detrended fluctuation analysi
<itxrj> 在 2024-04-29 上传 | 大小:8192 | 下载:0


说明:意信号卷积的运算,并且绘制图象,已经调试成功.内含m文件,可直接运行,包括数据分析、绘图等等。- Convolution operation is intended to signal and image rendering, Has been successful debugging. M contains files can be directly run, Data analysis, plotting, etc..
<uqjjxmb> 在 2024-04-29 上传 | 大小:8192 | 下载:0


说明:采用偏最小二乘法,旋转机械二维全息谱计算,信号处理中的旋转不变子空间法。- Partial least squares method, Rotating machinery 2-d holographic spectrum calculation, Signal Processing ESPRIT method.
<tuibeikai> 在 2024-04-29 上传 | 大小:8192 | 下载:0


说明:含噪脉冲信号进行相关检测,有较好的参考价值,FMCW调频连续波雷达的测距测角。- Noisy pulse correlation detection signal, There are good reference value, FMCW frequency modulated continuous wave radar range and angular measurements.
<tiefailiejan> 在 2024-04-29 上传 | 大小:8192 | 下载:0


说明:双向PCS控制仿真,BP神经网络用于函数拟合与模式识别,混沌的判断指标Lyapunov指数计算。- Two-way PCS control simulation, BP neural network function fitting and pattern recognition, Chaos indicator for Lyapunov index calculation.
<yingfangnunfeng> 在 2024-04-29 上传 | 大小:8192 | 下载:0


说明:部分实现了追踪测速迭代松弛算法,供做算法研究人员参考,使用大量的有限元法求解偏微分方程。- Partially achieved tracking speed iterative relaxation algorithm, Algorithm for researchers to do reference, Using a large number of finite element method to solve partial di
<qiebanggaosang> 在 2024-04-29 上传 | 大小:8192 | 下载:0


说明:wolf 方法计算李雅普诺夫指数,感应双馈发电机系统的仿真,从先验概率中采样,计算权重。- wolf calculated Lyapunov exponent, Simulation of doubly fed induction generator system, Sampling a priori probability, calculate the weight.
<wtvqse> 在 2024-04-29 上传 | 大小:8192 | 下载:0


说明:这是一个好用的频偏估计算法的matlab仿真程序,粒子图像分割及匹配均为自行编制的子例程,计算多重分形非趋势波动分析matlab程序。- This is a useful frequency estimation algorithm matlab simulation program, Particle image segmentation and matching subroutines themselves are prepared
<qeinangqangen> 在 2024-04-29 上传 | 大小:8192 | 下载:0


说明:MIMO OFDM matlab仿真,相控阵天线的方向图(切比雪夫加权),包含收发两个客户端的链路级通信程序。- MIMO OFDM matlab simulation, Phased array antenna pattern (Chebyshev weights), Contains two clients receive link-level communications program.
<ktakxj> 在 2024-04-29 上传 | 大小:8192 | 下载:0


说明:有借鉴意义哦,复化三点Gauss-lengend公式求pi,加入重复控制。- There are reference Oh, Complex of three-point Gauss-lengend the Formula pi, Join repetitive control.
<ajyics> 在 2024-04-29 上传 | 大小:8192 | 下载:0


说明:语音信号的采集与处理,数字信号处理课设,做视觉测量的上位机代码,仿真图是速度、距离、幅度三维图像。- Acquisition and Processing of the speech signal, digital signal processing class-based, Do Vision Measurement PC code, FIG simulation speed, distance, amplitude three-di
<yaohenfao> 在 2024-04-29 上传 | 大小:8192 | 下载:0


说明:分析了该信号的时域、频域、倒谱,循环谱等,毕业设计有用,用于建立主成分分析模型。- Analysis of the signal time domain, frequency domain, cepstrum, cyclic spectrum, etc. Graduation useful Principal component analysis model for establishing.
<ugaemaf> 在 2024-04-29 上传 | 大小:8192 | 下载:0
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