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  • 上传时间:
  • 2012-11-26
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[Api command] Title=机器人语音控制系统 the message sent to "Demo Window" application will be WM_USER+1000+# Message=1 CMDs=零,一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,执行,各关节归零,大臂正转,大臂反转,小臂正转,小臂反转,手腕正转,手腕反转,手爪张开,手爪闭合,上升,下降,大臂运行,大臂负运行,小臂运行,小臂负运行,手腕运行,手腕负运行,手爪运行,手爪负运行,升降运行,升降负运行,大臂归零,小臂归零,手腕归零,手爪归零,升降归零,速度加,原点记忆,系统复位,示教盒,暂停,急停,回原点,速度减,区号加,区号减,单步再现,周期再现,连续再现,返回,继续,数据记忆,读取数据,设置串口,打开串口,关闭串口, [User defined command] CMDs= EXEs=-[Api command] Title = robot voice control system sent the message to "Demo Window" application will be WM_USER Message = 1000# = snap a zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, implementation, the RZ joints, the arm is changed, and boom inversion, is to arm and arm inverted, the wrist is transferred, wrist reversal, the gripper open, gripper closure, a rise, drop, the boom run, the negative operating arm, arm operations, negative operating arm, wrist operations, negative wrist operation gripper run gripper negative run, the aeronautical operations, negative movements running boom zero, zero arm, wrist zero, zero gripper, zeroing movements, speed increases, the basics of memory, system reset, showing the box, suspended emergency stop, back to the original point



























































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源码中国 www.ymcn.org