
  • 所属分类:
  • C#编程
  • 资源属性:
  • [Windows] [Visual C] [源码]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2012-11-26
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  • 421kb
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  • 提 供 者:
  • 王*
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1.  存储管理采用可变分区方式。可变分区方式是按作业需要的主存空间大小来分配分区的。当作业装入主存时,根据主存的需要量察看有无足够的空间分配,若有,则按需要量分配一个分区给该作业;若无,则作业不能装入。随着作业的装入,撤离,主存被分成许多分区,有的占用,而有的是空闲的。

2.  存储分配分别采用首次适应算法、最佳适应算法和最差适应算法。

3.  当一个新作业要求装入主存时,查找空闲区表,从中找出一个足够大的空闲区。若找到大于作业需要量的空闲区,则把它分成二部分,一部分为占用区,另一部分又成为一个空闲区。

4.  当一个作业撤离时,归还的区域如果与其他空闲区相邻,则应合并成一个较大的空闲区,登在空闲区表中。

5.  本实验是模拟主存分配,按照存储分配算法设计主存分配和回收程序,并不实际启动装入作业。

-1. Storage management through the use of Variable way. Variable area by way of operational requirements is the main deposit size space to be allocated to the district. When loading operations at the main deposit, the owners of the deposit requirement to see whether enough space allocation, if so, according to a regional distribution requirements for the operation; If no, operation can not be loaded. With the loading operations, evacuation, the main deposit is divided into many districts, some occupied, while others are idle. 2. Storage allocation were used to adapt the first algorithm, the best adaptation algorithm and the worst adaptation algorithms. 3. When a new operational requirements of the main deposit loaded when you spare the District table to find a large enough free zone. If fou

















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