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《系统分析师考试论文试题分析与范文》由中国系统分析员顾问团(CSAI)组织编写,作为全国计算机技术与软件专业技术资格(水平)考试中的系统分析师级别(原系统分析员级别)考试辅导指定资料。根据最新的系统分析师考试大纲(2004年修订版),对历年(1990—2004下半年)考试论文试题进行了分类分析和要点评述,并给出了部分论文范文。  考生可通过阅读本书掌握考试大纲规定的知识,掌握考试重点和难点,熟悉考试方法、试题形式、试题的深度和广度,以及内容的分布、解答问题的方法和技巧,迅速提高论文的写作水平和质量。  本书可作为信息系统项目管理师和系统架构设计师考试的参考用书,可作为软件设计师、数据库系统工程师、网络工程师、信息系统监理师和软件评测师进一步深造和发展的学习用书,可作为系统分析师日常工作的参考手册,也可作为计算机专业教师的教学和工作参考书。-"System Analyst Takes a test Paper Test question Analysis And Model essay" (CSAI) organizes by the Chinese system analyst advisory group to compile, (level) takes a test the system analyst rank as the nation computer technology and the software specialized technology qualifications (original system analyst rank) to take a test counselling to assign the material. Took a test the program according to the newest system analyst (in 2004 revised edition), (1990-2004 the second half of the year) took a test the paper test question to all previous years to carry on the classified analysis and the main point narrates and comments, and has given the partial paper model essay.  The examinee may through read this book to grasp the test program stipulation the knowledge, grasps the test key and the difficulty, takes a test familiar the method, the test question form, the test question depth and the breadth, as well as the content distribution, the explanation question s method and the skill, enhan
相关搜索: 架构





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