
  • 所属分类:
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  • 2012-11-26
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第1章 系统简介  4

1.1 系统概述  4

1.2 系统目标  4

1.3 适用范围  4

1.4 系统特点  5

第2章 软件安装  6

2.1 运行环境  6

2.2 数据库配置及安装  6

第3章 软件模块展示  10

3.1 窗体结构视图  10

3.2 模块功能介绍  10

3.3 系统登录主界面  11

3.4 算例文件管理界面  12

3.5 数据手动录入界面  17

3.6 潮流计算组件界面  24

3.7 分布式组件界面  25

3.8 显示分析组件界面  27

第4章 软件综合运用  31

4.1 IEEE标准格式算例生成  31

4.2 分布式电源接入对比分析  35

第5章 辅助功能  36

第6章 系统信息  37-With the continued access to network of distributed energy, power flow calculation software including distributed will be developed urgently. Based on the present distributed power flow algorithms and the wind generator models, the paper designs a power flow calculation software, which includes a DG accessing module. This software has the function of generating IEEE example as well. By SQL structured language, the software can read and write efficiently between the backstage of example database and external files. The main establishment is "Power Flow Calculation Software" system, which has two versions: one is based on the ACCESS background database, and the other is based on the SQL Server backend database. Finally, with IEEE3-14, 30,39,43,57,118,145,162,300, total up to 16 examples, Newton power flow algorithm of the system was tested, whose results are consistent.

KEYWORDS: Newton Load Flow, IEEE Examples, Wind Generator Model, Delphi Language


















































































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