
  • 所属分类:
  • 操作系统开发
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  • 上传时间:
  • 2012-11-26
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  • 5.51mb
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  • 提 供 者:
  • 刘*
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Minix是一个类UNIX操作系统,其2.0版符合POSIX 1003.1和ISO9945-1工业标准。过去,UNIX操作系统的起源与发展与其源代码的公开是分不开的,而UNIX操作系统设计思想的先进性与前瞻性也是无与伦比的。时至今日,大学中"操作系统原理"课一直使用UNIX作为应用实例,而AT&T公司注意到了UNIX的商业价值后,不再允许用UNIX的源代码进行教学。学习"操作系统原理"课就成了只谈理论而不谈设计与实现。作为计算机科学教育家的Tanenbaum开发出了Minix用于操作系统教学。与UNIX相比,UNIX注重代码的高效率,而Minix则强调代码的可读性与简洁性。很快,Minix在网络中流行起来。有很多人,希望为Minix添加新的特性。而Tanenbaum认为Minix应该作为教学使用,众多新特性只会干扰对操作系统本质的认识。于是,人们把注意力转向设计一个类Minix的操作系统,这最终导致了Linux的诞生。下面正式进入Minix安装过程的学习。-Minix is a class UNIX operating system, version 2.0, consistent with POSIX 1003.1 and ISO9945-1 industry standard. In the past, UNIX operating system, its origin and development of open source code are inseparable, and UNIX operating system, the advanced and forward-looking design is unmatched. Today, the University of "Operating System" class has been using UNIX as an application example, the AT & T, noted the commercial value of UNIX, no longer allowed to use the UNIX source code for teaching. Learning "Operating System" became the talk about class without talking about the design and implementation theory. As a computer science educator Tanenbaum developed Minix operating system for teaching. Compared with the UNIX, UNIX-oriented code with high efficiency, and Minix emphasizes readability and simplicity. Soon, Minix became popular in the network. A lot of people, hoping to add new features Minix. The Tanenbaum as a teaching that should be used Minix, many new features will interfere




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