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  • 提 供 者:
  • 王*
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因为MFC完全支持数据库应用程序的开发,所以大多数数据库应用都使用CDatabase和CRecordset类,并且类向导(Class Wizard)提供了快速简易的方式来使用这两个类。有一点不足的就是当应用程序涉及到多表数据库时,类向导将产生大量的关于记录集的源码文件使得工程(project)给人的感觉很混乱。

这里介绍如何使用一个模板记录集类来降低类向导所产生的记录集文件的数量,同时增强记录积类(CRecordset)的功能。这个模板记录集类叫做:CDataSet。它的主要目的是降低代码量,为数据对象数组提供一个接口。-MFC full support for the development of database applications, most database applications use CDatabase and CRecordset classes, and Class Wizard (Class Wizard) provides a quick and easy way to use these two classes. A bit less than when the application is related to multi-table database, the class wizard will generate a lot of records set on the project was the source file (project) feels very confusing. Here' s how to use a template to reduce the class record set class of records generated by the wizard sets the number of files, while enhancing the recorded product category (CRecordset) function. This template recordset class called: CDataSet. Its main purpose is to reduce the amount of code, to provide an interface to an array of data objects.
相关搜索: CRecordSet


























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