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提示:设三角形的三边长为a,b,c,则它的面积为 ,其中S=(a+b+c)/2,开平方的方法为Math.sqrt()。

(2)创建一个圆柱体类YZT,包含的属性有底面半径radius和圆柱体的高heigth,包含的方法有构造方法(两个,一个没有参数,一个给定半径radius和圆柱体的高heigth),设置底面半径setRadius(),获取底面半径getRadius(),设置高setHeigth, 获取高getHeigth,求体积calTJ(),求表面积calBMJ();


-(1) create a Triangle kind of Triangle, including attribute has three side of the long sideA, sideB, sideC, including methods of structure method (two, a no parameters, a given three side length), quadrature method area (), and circumference method getLength ()

Tip: a triangle three side length for a, b, c, it is the area of, including S = (a+ b+ c)/2, square root method for Math. SQRT ().

(2) create a cylinder class YZT, including properties have bottom radius radius and the height of cylinder heigth, including methods of structure method (two, a no parameters, a given radius radius and the height of cylinder heigth), set up base radius setRadius (), get bottom radius getRadius (), set high setHeigth, get high getHeigth, cubage calTJ (), and surface area calBMJ ()

(3) using the above two classes were defined object, and three sides respectively,20,37.5 25 and 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 of the triangle area and perimeter, respectively for bottom radius is 12.5, height is 11 cylinder and unders


Triangle and cylinder class package.txt


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