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说明:account flow ru language
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说明:采用多线程编程的VC控制台聊天软件,可实现多用户与服务器同时对话聊天,服务器可以指定与任意客户端对话,并可断开连接。-Multi-threaded programming VC console chat software, enabling multi-user chat conversation with the server at the same time, the server can specify any client di
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说明:常用代码 赛灵思的 有分频器等一些常用的部件,欢迎下载-Xilinx code commonly used and some have dividers commonly used parts, welcome to download
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说明:Razor example of web site
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说明:ADO(ActiveX Data Object)是Microsoft数据库应用程序开发的新接口,是建立在OLE DB之上的高层数据库访问技术,请不必为此担心,即使你对OLE DB,COM不了解也能轻松对付ADO,因为它非常简单易用,甚至比你以往所接触的ODBC API、DAO、RDO都要容易使用,并不失灵活性。本文将详细地介绍在VC下如何使用ADO来进行数据库应用程序开发,并给出示例代码。-ADO (ActiveX Data Objec
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说明:nrf24l01 usb口无线通许模块功能开发包,驱动,基本代码。-nrf24l01 usb port wireless communication module features promised development package, the driver, the basic code.
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说明:Spepper motor control on Atmel in C
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说明:VPX新一代总线标准 VPX(即VITA46):在VME系统的基础上增加了交换互联结构,是军用加固系统的新一代 总线产品。支持PMC和XMC子卡,并最大限度的保留了对VME系统的兼容性。-Generation bus standard VPX VPX (ie VITA46): VME system based on the increase in the exchange of interconnect structure
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说明:灰色系统理论把信息完整, 数据完整的称为白 色系统, 把信息很不确定, 数据很少的称为黑色系 统, 把信息部分确定, 部分不确定 -Grey system theory to information integrity, data integrity is called a white system, the information is very determined, very little data is called a
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说明:一个系统基于javaweb 开发 非常好的一个系统希望下载-A systemAsked how managing to put them back on would feel, 29.1 per cent said it would be better than sex, 28.9 per cent thought it would beat a promotion, 20.6 per cent believed it would to
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说明:Niederreiter cryptosystems. This application allows users, through its graphical interface, to define first, the parameters of the Niederreiter s cryptosysteme, and then they can write the message which they want to en
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说明:灰色模型在城市中长期用水量预测中的应用,近年来, 随着我国经济的飞速发展, 城市规模 不断扩张, 现有供水系统已经不能满足未来几年 的供水需求, 必须依照未来城市发展与城市布局 进行科学合理的供水系统规划. 在-Gray model in the application of long-term water demand in recent years, as China' s rapid economic devel
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