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说明:蒙特卡洛模拟,利用matlab与VC++6.0软件实现.-Monte Carlo simulation using Matlab 6.0 and VC software.
<张庆> 在 2008-10-13 上传 | 大小:54178 | 下载:0


说明:蚁群算法仿真模拟程序,用c的图形界面,直观的展示了蚁群算法的仿生学过程。为读者了解改算法有直接的指导意义-ant colony algorithm simulation program, c graphical interface, and visual display of the ant colony algorithm Bionics process. For readers to understand the algorithm
<zy> 在 2008-10-13 上传 | 大小:37876 | 下载:1


说明:这里是本人收集的人脸识别方面的论文合集。分为三个包上传,这是第二部分。非常的不错。-here is my collection of the papers face recognition Collection. Divided into three packages upload, which is the second part. Very nice.
<朱顺兴> 在 2008-10-13 上传 | 大小:8749810 | 下载:0


说明:这里是本人收集的人脸识别方面的论文合集。分为三个包上传,这是第一部分,主要是英文论文。-here is my collection of the papers face recognition Collection. Upload divided into three packages, which is the first part of the major English papers.
<朱顺兴> 在 2008-10-13 上传 | 大小:5581107 | 下载:0


说明:这里是本人收集的人脸识别方面的论文合集。分为五个包上传,这是第四部分。-here is my collection of the papers face recognition Collection. Upload divided into five packages, this is the fourth part.
<朱顺兴> 在 2008-10-13 上传 | 大小:6759851 | 下载:0


说明:本人收集的人脸检测识别论文。分为五部分上传。这里是第三部分。-I collected Face Detection identification papers. Upload divided into five parts. Here is the third part.
<朱顺兴> 在 2008-10-13 上传 | 大小:6645035 | 下载:0


说明:本人收集的人脸检测识别论文集。总共分为五部分上传。这里是第五部分。希望能够与各位同仁一起探讨学习。-collection of face detection and recognition collection. A total upload divided into five parts. Here is the fifth part. Want to work along with you to explore learning.
<朱顺兴> 在 2008-10-13 上传 | 大小:16684232 | 下载:0


说明:经典数据结构源代码,包括几种常用的数据结构和一些有创新的结构类型,拿出来与大家分享-classic source data structure, including several commonly used data structures and some innovative structural types, display to share with Members
<chen> 在 2008-10-13 上传 | 大小:1485 | 下载:0


说明:基于几何统计特征的印鉴自动识别算法 ---文章-Based on the geometric characteristics of each automatic identification algorithm is based on the geometric characteristics of each algorithm for automatic identification article
<Yuan> 在 2008-10-13 上传 | 大小:168124 | 下载:0


说明:小波包分析在刀具声发射信号特征提取中的应用[1小波包分析在刀具声发射信号特征提取中的应用[1]--文章-wavelet packet analysis tool in the acoustic emission signal feature extraction of [a wavelet packet analysis tool in the acoustic emission signal feature extraction ap
<Yuan> 在 2008-10-13 上传 | 大小:211945 | 下载:0


说明:二值图像中拐点的实时检测算法 --文章-two images inflection point value of real-time detection algorithm two images inflection point value of real-time detection algorithm -- article
<Yuan> 在 2008-10-13 上传 | 大小:447287 | 下载:0


说明:2维Otsu自适应阈值的快速算法 --文章-two-dimensional adaptive threshold of two-dimensional fast algorithm Otsu adaptive threshold of rapid algorithm -- article
<Yuan> 在 2008-10-13 上传 | 大小:314202 | 下载:0
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